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The original game of cricket was played with an unlimited number of overs, but over time, the batting side of the game began to dominate, which led to the current international version of limited overs.  At University high school, instead of limiting the amount of overs in a game, we have developed a 110 foot by 88 foot elipse aound the pitch by which if a batter hits the ball outside, he is obligated to attempt to advance to the opposite wicket. The net effect of this alteration is to bring balance back to the fielding and batting sides, in a very playable version of cricket that is closer to the unlimited over original.  To view the rules of the version of cricket played at University High School, click here. 

Second only to soccer, cricket is one of the most popular sports played worldwide.   Cricket at University high school started with a tennis ball, a tennis racket, and a few high school kids experimenting with a new bat-and-ball game at lunch, and has now become a mainstay intramural sport at the school.  

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